Saturday, 27 April 2013

Good luck Ireland - look after yourself....

My seat belt is fastened and little Molly is sitting in between me and Deirdre all excited as its her first time on a plane.  In 36 hours we will be in Sydney Australia, which will be our new home for the next few years, maybe for the rest of our lives.  As I look out the window  going up through the clouds I look down on the green fields outside Dublin and feel a tear starting to congregate in my left eye.  How did it get to this? why could it not have worked out differently?.... ah well what the hell, we are on the plane now so there's no going back.

In 2003 I set up my own small building company and in the first few years we were going great guns.  Ireland was buzzing and most people where doing home improvements or extensions and there wasn't enough hours in the day to get through the work.  By 2005 I had 12 really good men working for me and there was no problem picking up jobs.  In fact I turned down more than I accepted as I just didn't have the men to do the work.  Not a bad complaint all the same.

At that time I was living in a nice bungalow, but I spoke to my bank manager and he told me he could organise a €500,000 mortgage so we decided to build ourselves our dream home and in 2007 we moved in  - life was good and Deirdre and myself were living a comfortable life and money was always available.  In 2007 my bank manager told me he could organise more funding for me if I wanted to buy some land.  A cracking site went on the market just outside Dublin and in the middle of 2007, I was top bid and bought the land for €3,000,000.  It was a lot of money and I was a little apprehensive about borrowing it but my architect and estate agent advised we could get 50 houses on the land and in 12 months we could sell it with full planning permission for €4,500,000 - not a bad turn for 12 months work.  My bank manager loved the deal and told me to go for it-  so I did. 

Then in 2008 I remember the collapse of Lehman's bank and nearly immediately there was a global financial crisis which seemed to affect everyone across the world.  Well certainly in Ireland the banks stopped lending altogether and there was a noticeable swing in the work situation and by 2009, the construction industry in the country came to a stop.  One of the most difficult parts of this downturn meant I had to lay 11 out of the 12 men off who had been very loyal to me over the years, but I just didn't have the money or work to pay them and keep them on board.

Overall I worked out between one thing and another I had €5,000,000 of debt and was earning approx. €50,000 per annum from picking up the odd job here and there.  Life went from being very comfortable and busy in 2006/2007 to being an absolute struggle in 2009/10,11 and 2012.

I started speaking to my bank in 2010 telling them that work was thin on the ground and that I was struggling to keep the repayments.  They just kept telling me that I had to pay and that they could not write any debt down or accommodate me in any way.  The assets I had were valued at €850,000 so that left a shortfall of €4,150,000 - how was I ever going to pay that back - I simply wasn't.

For the last two years I have be scraping around for work trying my very best to keep up the mortgage payments on my house - but unfortunately since September 2012 I haven't been able to even service the mortgage never mind the other debt.  I didn't know what to do or who to turn to.  So I did nothing for two years and probably if anything I drank way to often just to soften the pain of the financial position we were finding ourselves in.  I sort of kept Deirdre in the loop, but thought it best not to tell her everything.  I was just hoping I would get one or two decent jobs and everything would be back on track.  It never happened!!

In January we went into the bank and asked them to sell the assets and re base the mortgage to a level we could afford to pay. Our new dream home was worth €375,000 now and we told them we could afford to service that if they were open to a deal.  They point blankly told us they didn't do debt forgiveness and that if we couldn't keep up the mortgage payments then we would have to sell the house.  We just kept hitting a brick wall after brick wall.  It seems the banks are not interested In working with me and Deirdre at all, and I eventually got completely and utterly emotionally drained.. 

We started talking about going to Australia at Christmas 2012 as there seems to be plenty of work and it is supposed to be a great place to bring up children.  There are a stack of men over there from my home town and I reckon we will settle in very well.  There is also a good gaelic team called Penrith Gaels so at least I could keep my football up.

So we decided to emigrate out of Ireland.  It has nothing to offer me or my young family.  The banks wouldn't entertain any suggestion I had or compromise in any way, and it just seems that they wont be happy until everyone Is on the street. Its pretty unfair especially due to the fact the banks are all bust themselves and needed a bail out.  Who bailed me out? yeah that's right nobody.  Yes I am bitter, and I shouldn't have to leave this country I love, over the hell of debt.  I never wanted to buy that bloody land in Dublin but sure the banker couldn't get the money out the door to me quick enough at the time and the architect and estate agent told me it was a dead cert.  Ah well no point crying over spilled milk as I am a big boy and made up my own mind.

Anyway I really fear for the country moving forward.  There has to be over 100 young people have left our town in the last two years, to get out of Ireland in search of opportunities.  The country in insolvent and the banks are just not playing ball with the borrowers.  Its so unfair but I suppose whats a small builder like me going to do about it.

Maybe I will come back one day, and if that does happen hopefully the country is in better hands than it is today.  The heart has been ripped out if the towns and villages and debt has destroyed manys a home.

Ah well - I wonder what the film is on this flight and I hope the foods good.  Little Molly is watching the Ipad and seems in good form.  Deirdre also seems content so I suppose that's all that really matters.

As we disappear into the clouds, I say to myself - Good Luck Ireland, Look after yourself.

***This short story is fiction however it is based on a number of people I have come across who have become swamped with debt and feel they have no choice but to leave the country in search of opportunity and a better life. 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Exercise - New Medicine for Multiple Sclerosis...... and all round health!

I posted this blog a couple of months ago and literally hundreds of you have viewed it, so clearly the headline got your attention.  Over the last few months I have met more and more people who seem to be using exercise as a way to manage and beat MS on a daily basis. I myself suffered quite badly with MS between 2006 and 2009, however over the last four years I have implemented a 3 point plan and my overall health has been completely transformed.

My plan was really 3 things namely 1) Medication 2) diet & exercise and 3) positive approach to my circumstances.  It is very difficult to quantify how good one is over the other however I am getting more and more feedback from people suffering from MS who seem to have started an exercise program and have seen their MS symptoms decline. I think this is fascinating.

My friend Bill Sink reckons his symptoms settle when he is running. My other buddy Gene Caffrey states the same and I myself find when I am training, my symptoms seem to disappear. Why is this I ask?

Well I don't know the answer but I am very interested in researching this more to see how many others out there are finding the same result. MS can be a very nasty condition and with 2.5m people suffering worldwide and loads more awaiting diagnosis, we need to get to the route of the problem.
I am going to continue with my intense exercise program, as I believe the fitter I am, the stronger my immune system will be, the better quality of life I will have.

However more and more as time goes by, many medical professionals are convinced that exercise is the answer to all round health and well being.  I am 36 on my next birthday and I have noticed in the past few years the numbers of people running, walking, cycling have increased massively and generally there does seem to be a change of mindset out there regarding people wanting to look after themselves a little better.

It takes a lot of will, determination and grit to get yourself up off the couch and get out there to exercise, but I guarantee you that the health and well being benefits by far outweigh the inconvenience and hassle.

So if you are a regular trainer, keep it going and even up the ante.  If you are thinking about starting, then do it today and go walk the dog for 15 minutes - not a bad way to get going.

Also If you are finding that exercise is helping you beat and manage your Multiple Sclerosis,  please let me know.

#Attitudeiseverything :))

My new book Attitude is Everything - My MS Story, is available off my website :

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Cannibas - Is this the answer for MS Sufferers

I recently just got back from a trip to Germany where I was speaking at a pharmaceutical company's European conference.  It was a great experience and I got the opportunity to discuss with some of the bosses of the company, new drugs they are working on and also discuss the on-going research into understanding and ultimately beating this Multiple Sclerosis condition.  Its heart warming to know that each and every day some of the cleverest people on the planet are trying to get to the bottom of the condition and produce drugs that will make the lives of those suffering from MS that little bit easier.

Last week I was on a local radio station in Dublin and I was asked about my views on Cannibas as a drug which may help MS Sufferers.  One thing about me is I am possibly not politically correct and I don't really mind what people think of my views as I have confidence in myself and ability to discuss touchy subjects and stand over my opinions.

GW Pharmaceuticals a UK pharmaceutical Company has developed a cannabis-based medicinal extract product, to be marketed under the brand name Sativex. This will be available to MS Sufferers apparently as early as next year.  My own personal view is that if this new drug can help people then what is all the fuss about. 
I am sick of listening to politicians and others who talk about issues like this, mostly with their own agenda to the fore of their decision making process.  MS is a terrible disease and really only those who suffer from it truly understand what its like to walk around with it (if your lucky enough to be able to walk) every day.  There are over 53 different symptoms of MS and 4 different types and generally the thing is of a progressive nature.  Its not a nice condition to have and pain is one of the problems that people suffer from.

One of my inspirations Mr Montel Williams has been saying for years to legalise Cannibas as it helps him and others who suffer form the condition and it eases the pain.  In certain parts of the world this is the case.  Now I wont discuss on this blog my views on making the drug legal, however what I will say is that if Sativex does what it says on the tin then fantastic, lets get on with it and bring it to market.

I hope that one day in my lifetime there will be a cure for MS, I believe that they will certainly get to the bottom of it in the next 10 years - a cure - well that's a different story.  However the world moves on and the research will go on so lets hope the amazingly talented scientists remain inspired and determined to continue their great work in trying to make all our lives that little bit more manageable and increase our quality of life.

Remember all #Attitude Is Everything

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Berlin Trip - MS Awareness

A few weeks ago I was invited to take part in a pharmaceutical conference which was being held in Berlin on Tuesday 3rd April 2013.  The purpose of the visit was to share my story with over 300 of the company's employees.  Basically the goal being to give the employees a better understanding of this very complex neurological condition called Multiple Sclerosis.  All in there were 10 patients from across Europe and I was the Irish guy, who had been invited to take part.

I landed in Berlin airport and there was a guy there ready to take me to the hotel.  I got a quick bite to eat and was then taken to a conference room facility where over the next 90 minutes I shared my MS journey with the company's representatives.  At the end of the presentation we did a Q+A and I got through all the questions no problem at all.  The attendees seemed very interested and asked some great questions. All in all it was a good experience and it was great to get the opportunity to speak in front of so many people.

The outcome from the event I think will be positive as I have no doubt the employees knew a lot more about MS after my talk and what its like to be a young man struck down in the prime of his life.
The other thing which struck me is yet again a common denominator with MS.  There is so many people who know very little about the condition.  Its amazing the lack of information there is about MS and the fascinating thing is that nearly every one I know or speak to, knows at least one person with MS - isn't that interesting, yet we all no very little about it.  Why is this the case?

My goal over the next few years is to continue to raise awareness of the condition and the fact that you can be diagnosed with MS and still lead a great life.  I will do this through my book, website and speaking to whoever wants to listen to me.

I flew home the next morning into Dublin and on reflection really enjoyed the trip and looking forward to the events that I am lined up to speak at later this year.
I am also very grateful as there are those who are struggling with the condition right now, so for as long as I am fit to do so, and people continue to be interested in what I have to say - I will continue with my goals.

For further information, please visit my website #AttitudeIsEverything

Monday, 1 April 2013

Perception - Its all that matters....

Have you ever stopped to think what this word perception really means and its relevance in the world today.  Over the last few years throughout my business life and personal battle with MS, I have come to understand how big a role perception plays in every day life.  You see if you think about it everything you do is perceived by someone - slightly confused - let me explain.

In the business world some people think you have to be completely ruthless to get to the top and that nice people don't win and nice people don't be successful.  I have been very lucky to work with scores of business people over the years and yes some fall into this category for sure but there are others who don't and are an absolute pleasure to work with.  Stereotyping entrepreneurs with this is a perception out there of some of the most successful business people in society -that's just the way it is.

OK lets look at another example this time, lets talk about Multiple Sclerosis.  I know I am not supposed to be openly talking about this as the perception is its not something to be talking openly about.  When we look at MS globally, the perception I have come across many times is that most think that at some point the person with the MS will be confined to a wheelchair.  Even if you know next to nothing about the condition the perception out there is that somewhere along the line you will be in a chair for the rest of your life.  The facts are this is incorrect and only a small percentage of people unfortunately suffer nerve damage in the area of the spinal chord which causes severe damage to the motor nerves preventing patients from walking - hence they need a chair to get around.

What I have found is that perception can be a very dangerous and ignorant thing and in my MS example, can cause a significant amount of stress and horror.  In fact when I first got sick on my honeymoon in Mauritius in 2006 and MS was mentioned a possible cause, my immediate reaction was that there was no way I could cope with being in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.  That was the perception I had in my brain of the condition.  As a result of this the fear and worry I went through over the next 18 months was absolutely horrendous.  My lack of understanding of the condition and lack of information readily available meant I just assumed the worst like a lot of people today.

So when  I tell you my goal is to change the PERCEPTION of MS across the globe, what do I mean and how will I do it?

What do I mean?
I want more people to understand MS and to understand that even if you are diagnosed you can still lead a great life of fulfilment.  I am 7 years diagnosed this summer and I am currently training for my first adventure race, a 67km cycle, run and kayak in Ireland. In November I will be running the New York Marathon, my third marathon in as many years. Surely not, how can someone with MS be able to do this??? Well its happening and If you visit this blog at the end of November you will see for yourself ! 
The great thing about all of this for me is that I now know that through my own own story and experiences, I have been able to, in some small way  - change the perception of MS.  I have only started with my crusade on this front but I am determined to continue in this vain.

How will I do it? 
I recently released my new book Attitude Is Everything - My MS Story, where I share with the reader how I have managed to deal with the MS in the last few years and in fact push on and start to live again.  Through my website I interact with other MS sufferers and share my story knowing that some get a little hope from my positive experience.  Its a very gratifying feeling knowing that I am able to help fellow MS Champions even just a little in this way.  Through my blogs I will also share the ups and downs of MS and try and inspire those to start and fight back.  Its so important that everyone takes control and responsibility for their own health and well being.  MS or no MS its important to try and lead a healthy active life - the benefits outweigh the sacrifices.

So Perception - remember everything you do will be judged my someone - Life is all about perception, so before you make your mind up on something the next time, my advice is to educate yourself with the facts and then you will be able to make a more balanced decision.

Happy Easter all... #AttitudeIsEverything