If you are looking for an endurance test in the next 12 months to test yourself both physically and mentally, sign up for Gaelforce North next year. Yesterday afternoon after 6 hours and 15minutes
of running, cycling and kayaking, I crossed the finish line in BunBeag Donegal, one of Ireland's hidden treasures. I had just completed one of the best adventure races on the Island finishing some 148th out of over 400 competitors which I was delighted with.
The course comprised 25km of running, a 40km cycle and 2km kayak along some of the most scenic routes I've ever witnessed. As if the challenge itself wasn't big enough, one of the things outside everyone's control was the weather, and living up to the name of the event, it blew a gale all day and bucketed out of the heavens for most of it. This made the challenge a lot more difficult and when I crossed the line in Bunbeag I had exhumed almost every last drop of energy I had. It really is an awesome challenge physically and more so mentally. During the cycle I looked at the speedometer and noticed that it had taken me over 10minutes to cycle the last 3 miles uphill. Considering I run averaging 8minute a mile, you can visualise how difficult it was to actually keep the bike moving forward - absolutely brutal!!!
Anyway I did it and its another goal I have smashed this year in whats turning out to be a fantastic year for me health wise. In 8 weeks time I will be 7 years diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and its events like Gaelforce that keep me grateful of the fact that I am in good health and winning the war with the MS - long may it continue.
This week I will be in the gym mostly doing a recovery weeks swimming and weights program so the limbs can recover for my next challenge in only a few weeks time.
I have been training hard in 2013 and trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and I am now more convinced than ever that exercise is a huge part of the reason why I am beating MS and generally doing well. I notice more and more people are exercising which is great, but we need everyone to be doing it. Exercise is a great weapon to fight against physical disease but even a stronger weapon to deter and stop the onset of mental illness, which is hugely destructive.
I am very active on twitter and I get emails regularly whereby people are inspired to get up off the couch and get out there and do a little exercise just because they have maybe read a motivational tweet I've posted - how powerful and brilliant is that!!
So the moral of the story is get out there, get active, get out of your comfort zone, keep your body and mind active as the health benefits far outweighs the hassle - trust me on that.
Also If you want to really test yourself and get a goal in the diary for 2014, GaelForce North will not disappoint.
#Attitude Is Everything
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