Saturday, 5 October 2013

Marathon Update - Dublin 2013

Last Friday I went into hospital to get a sinus problem sorted out once and for all.  It was an overnight stay as I was under general anaesthetic for the operation.  One week on I am just glad its over, as it has been a difficult enough week, trying to build my strength up post the operation. 

It wouldn't have been too bad if I had have taken a proper rest, but for anyone who runs their own business, that phrase "Time of work" doesn't really exist.  On Wednesday I was at meetings all day in Dublin and on Wednesday afternoon I flew to Denmark for a huge Multiple Sclerosis conference that was talking place in Copenhagan.  On Thursday I was moderating an event at the conference, where I was part of a panel including two leading world neurologists and another MS Champion patient in  MS Jayne Arnold.  It was a great experience for me and I was just hoping it would go well and that my nose wouldn't start bleeding mid event as that could have been pretty difficult. 

Anyway I got through it in flying colours and flew back to Ireland late Thursday night.  On Friday morning I has a pre arranged guest lecture at the University of Ulster to give to the final year real estate group, which again I got through fine and finished up  in Hillsborough on Friday afternoon at my surgeons office to get my stitches out of my nose.  After that it was onto Belfast and into the office where I met the team and we wrapped up the week by closing up at 5pm.  I would say it has been one of my toughest weeks in a long while and my energy levels pretty low and MS symptoms on the increase, but I got through it so am delighted everything has worked out.

My challenge now is that I have been out of my running shoes for over a week and it will be another week before I can put them on again, and the idea is I get one more long run in (20 Miles) and then taper for the last two weeks as Dublin marathon is on the 28th October.  Its not the ideal preparation at all, but at this stage its all I can do.

That's the plan anyway so next week I hope to get in the pool and swim every day then get a long run in at the weekend.  Every thing is possible and as we are in the last quarter of 2013, I want to make sure I finish this year with a bang.

#Attitude Is Everything

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